Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Reading Comp. 5

1.) The image above is my rendering of the papier-mache chair found on page 26 of the 19th Century Harwood book, image 1-41. This chair symbolizes the revolution of a new material for a chair. Using papier-mache to add delicate detailing to the face of the chair. In that time period people supported the  idea of new materials being used and this is an example of what people supported. This material was molded on top of a metal frame, in this case the chair, then it was lacquered in black. 

2.) The eastern world has influenced the western world at many scales in which people interact with. 

The Royal Pavilion 
The Royal Pavilion is an example of how the middle eastern world, has influenced the exterior of this building. The exotic appearance can be connected back to Islamic roots.  The center dome being Ogival and having Minaret at its side resembles a mosque. It is interesting to see how before the "mosque" building form was a important gathering place, and the Royal Pavilion became this important gathering space that at first was intended as a retreat.
The artifact above shows the Japanese influence in the western world, in this case Paris, France.  The french word Japonisme, describes the influence of the japanese art had on the artifacts. They took the concepts of combining the art with their storage unit.  Using the same technique known as lacquerwork, a black background with flower motifs in gold, and covering the storage unit.
Long Gallery, Brighton Pavilion
The Long Gallery space in the Royal Pavilion shows signs of Chinese influence, known as chinoiserie. The flower motifs that where once used in porcelain ceramics are now being used to cover the wall. The imitation of these motifs are made differently then those used in china. The ornamentation is more vivid in color and a light palette.

Chinese House (Potsdam)

The Chinese House symbolizes the place in time when all these exotic influences started appearing in the setting.  This one for example is a chinoiserie influenced.  Usually the setting of the building if they where private in china would be surrounded by gardens, this house not entirely private is still surrounded by nature. In this time period many ideas have blossomed on how artifacts, spaces and building are designed and reflect the cultural knowledge of people that own/create them.  They take the concepts and transform them into their own interpretation and language they want it to speak. 

1 comment:

  1. [1] metal and papier-mache is a perfect example for a revolution. [2] good comparisons from east and west in images and salient annotations.
